NOTE Please make a backup of your password files ( /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/oshadow ) before you try this program. SUPPORTED SYSTEMS cgipaf has been tested with Debian GNU/Linux (woody), Solaris 8, FreeBSD and should work on other Un*ces with pam support. Systems without pam support are only supported if they use the standard password file location /etc/passwd /etc/shadow and standard crypt or md5 passwords. If you're using cgipaf on a system without pam support a lock file /var/lock/cgipaf.lock is used. The directory /var/lock have to exist on our system or you can modify pass.h to your own needs. FreeBSD and NetBSD are supported, OpenBSD is not (yet) supported. Although FreeBSD has PAM support the PAM password changer doesn't seem to work on FreeBSD. Therefor CGIpaf is compiled without PAM support but with built-in BSD support by default. If you need PAM support on FreeBSD you can add --enable-pam to configure. Operating systems are automatically detected by configure. CGIpaf depends on the ndbm or compatible library. The GNU dbm library is also supported and is automatically detected by configure. INSTALLATION type: ./configure --bindir=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin \ --datadir=/etc/cgipaf/data \ --sysconfdir=/etc/cgipaf Update the above command with your real cgi-bin directory. This will create Makefile, and config.h If you want to disable pam support you can add "--disable-pam" configure should normally detect pam and no-pam systems. type: make To compile the sources. type: make install The installation script will install "passwd.cgi","viewmailcfg.cgi" and "mailcfg.cgi" in cgi-bin, copy "php/*.php" in the data directory, and create a sample config file. "passwd.cgi", "viewmailcfg.cgi", "mailcfg.cgi" should have the following permissions: -r-sr-xr-x 1 root root 33391 Aug 10 22:16 mailcfg.cgi -r-sr-xr-x 1 root root 30333 Aug 10 22:16 passwd.cgi -r-sr-xr-x 1 root root 34658 Aug 10 22:16 viewmailcfg.cgi and owned by root. CGIpaf uses "/cgi-bin" in his action fields, if you use another cgi-bin location ( /cgi-bin/cgipaf ) you have to update: cgipasswd_top.php mailcfg_form.php mailcfg_login.php CONFIGURATION The configuration file ( cgipaf.conf ) allow you to set several options see Configuration.html for more information. If you're upgrading from a previous version of CGIpaf with cracklib enabled in cgipaf.conf you have to set cracklib_dictpath to your cracklib dictpath. The cracklib_dictpath is the path to the dictionary filename without the extension ( .pwi ), not the directory path. With the "pam_service" directive you can set the pam service name, if not set "passwd" is used. The passwd pam service ( /etc/pam.d/passwd ) usually doesn't have an entry for user authentication, therefor /etc/pam.d/other has to have a line auth set to auth required account required If you don't like this for security reason etc, you can set the pam_service directive to "cgipaf" and create the file /etc/pam.d/cgipaf that looks like this auth required account required password required md5 Or better copy your system passwd configuration and the entries for "auth" and "account" If your system has a single PAM configuration file (usually /etc/pam.conf) you've to update /etc/pam.conf. If your system don't support md5 passwords remove md5 in the password line. passwd.cgi should support all pam options in the PAM configuration (cracklib, minimum/ maximum password length etc.). CGIpaf deletes the user's .procmailrc! If your users use procmail to distribute their mailings-lists into separate mailboxes etc, it is possible to copy the user's .procmailrc to a backup file and copy it back when mail-forwarding and autoreply is disabled. Set "use_statefile" to "yes" to avoid that the original procmail config confuses CGIpaf and use "run_before_mailcfg" to copy the user's procmail config to a backup file and "run_after_mailcfg" to restore it. See Configuration.html for more information. Examples with vacation support are available in the exmaples directory THAT'S ALL FOLKS Point your browser to http://your_webserver/cgi-bin/passwd.cgi or http://your_webserver/cgi-bin/viewmailcfg.cgi and enjoy